You think you’re pregnant and you’re not sure what to do. At this point, even though emotions may be running high, it is important to take a deep breath and to get the information you need, especially if you are considering an abortion. There are three medical issues that are very important for you to know about before you decide what to do next:
1. You need to find out if your pregnancy is viable.
About 10%- 20% of pregnancies are not viable (1). This means something didn’t go exactly right and the pregnancy will likely end on its own in a natural miscarriage, avoiding the need for an abortion. A positive pregnancy test cannot confirm that you are actually pregnant. The only way to medically confirm a viable pregnancy is by performing an ultrasound scan. There are several reasons why a pregnancy may not be viable. Our medical staff will take the time to answer all of your questions. Click here to view more information on ultrasounds at Life Options.
2. Once your pregnancy is confirmed, you need to find out exactly how far along you are.
Knowing exactly how far along you are will help you determine the options available to you. This is especially important if you are considering abortion, as there are different procedures, costs, and other medical issues that vary based upon how many weeks pregnant you are. The only way to know exactly how far along you are is by having an ultrasound exam and taking measurements of the baby. Life Options can provide a free ultrasound so that you have the information you need.
3. If you are pregnant, you need to be tested for STIs/STDs.
It is important that you are tested and, if necessary, treated for STIs/STDs. Many women with STDs do not experience any symptoms so they don’t realize they’re infected. At least 1 out of 3 females under age 20 who request an abortion have Chlamydia at the time of the abortion, and up to 17% over age 20 have it (2). The rates of abortion complications are much greater for those that have Chlamydia. 60% of all who have abortions while infected with Chlamydia will get PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) (2). PID can lead to serious consequences including infertility, ectopic pregnancy, abscess formation and chronic pelvic pain. Click here for more information on STDs.
No matter what choice you make regarding your pregnancy, even if you really don’t know right now, you owe it to yourself to have proper medical care and accurate information so you can make an educated, informed decision as to the outcome of your pregnancy. Schedule your appointment with Life Options today to confirm your pregnancy and eliminate unnecessary medical risk.

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