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Pregnancy Options
An unexpected pregnancy can put you in a state of shock and disbelief, especially if you were taking birth control. No matter how you may feel about your potential pregnancy, Life Options is here to help you understand your options with individualized care in Grandview and Sunnyside, WA.
Even in the best of circumstances, parenting can be overwhelming. Choosing to continue your pregnancy and become a parent can be challenging but also very rewarding. Caring for a baby is a big responsibility, but with the support of our team through parenting classes, & material support, many women and families find the help they need to be successful parents. Whether parenting as a single parent or with your partner, Life Options offers free parenting support services designed to assist you in this option. Our Parenting Support Program is available to you during your pregnancy and until your baby reaches 2 years old. If you're considering parenting and would like support, we are here to help you.
You are in control! With today's modern adoption, you can choose how involved you want to be in your child's life. You can have the peace of knowing your child is loved and cared for by the couple you choose. We can help you understand the different types of adoption and whether or not this might be a good choice for you.
Adoption facts:
You can choose your baby's adoptive parents.
You can choose the agency you work with.
You can choose how much ongoing contact you have with your child as they grow.
You can choose how things go at the hospital and throughout your pregnancy.
You may get help with your expenses.
The decision to make an adoption plan may be made at any time during your pregnancy or even after your baby is born.
Adoption is a loving and brave decision. We’re here to help you explore all your pregnancy options, including the variety of adoption plans. We provide free information and referrals to adoption agencies that best meet your needs. Making an adoption plan is a path many parents have walked and one you don’t have to walk alone. We never financially benefit from your decision and can discuss your options with absolutely no pressure. You plan the way you want it to go!
It's estimated that nearly one in four women will experience abortion in their reproductive years. There are a wide range of reasons that people consider abortion. Our medical professionals are here to talk about your personal situation, discuss the abortion methods that may be available to you and answer your questions. Some women experience reproductive health issues or mental health struggles following their abortion such as depression, anxiety or suicidal thoughts. We do not provide abortion services or referrals but offer all the information you need to make the best choice for you. It's important to know the facts so you can make a fully informed decision. Your health is our priority.
Why Choose Life Options
We know this can be an overwhelming process, which is why we want you to know you do not need to walk this road alone. At Life Options, you can expect a safe, non-judgmental place to process your thoughts, feelings, and options. We provide personalized, medically accurate information and resources to empower you for whatever option you choose. Although we do not perform or refer for abortions, we can advise you regarding types of adoptions and what rights you can expect as a patient.