Síntomas del Embarazo
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No se deje atrapar preocupándose por estar embarazada antes de estar seguro. La falta de un período es la indicación más común, pero no significa necesariamente que esté embarazada.
Los síntomas del embarazo varían de mujer a mujer y de embarazo a embarazo; sin embargo, uno de los síntomas más significativos del embarazo es un retraso o falta de la menstruación.
Es importante comprender los signos y síntomas del embarazo porque cada síntoma puede estar relacionado con algo que no sea el embarazo. Para averiguar si los síntomas que está experimentando están relacionados con el embarazo, es importante hacer una prueba de embarazo de calidad de laboratorio. Si la prueba de embarazo es positiva, generalmente se recomienda una ecografía.
Algunas mujeres experimentan signos o síntomas de embarazo dentro de una semana después de la concepción. Para otras mujeres, los síntomas del embarazo pueden desarrollarse durante unas semanas o incluso no estar presentes en absoluto.
Síntomas comunes del embarazo
A continuación, se enumeran algunos de los signos y síntomas más comunes del embarazo. Si ha tenido actividad sexual y está experimentando alguno de los siguientes síntomas, es importante hacer una prueba de embarazo.
Delayed or missed menstruation is the most common pregnancy symptom leading a woman to test for pregnancy. When you become pregnant your next period should be missed. Many women can bleed while they are pregnant, but typically the bleeding will be shorter or lighter than a normal period.
Other Explanations: Excessive weight gain/loss, fatigue, hormonal problems, tension, stress, ceasing to take the birth control pill or breast-feeding.
Implantation bleeding can be one of the earliest pregnancy symptoms. About 6-12 days after conception, the embryo implants itself into the uterine wall. Some women will experience spotting as well as some cramping.
Other Explanations: Actual menstruation, altered menstruation, changes in birth control pill (switching brands), infection or abrasion from intercourse.
Swollen or tender breasts are a pregnancy symptom which may begin as early as 1-2 weeks after conception. Women may notice changes in their breasts; they may be tender to the touch, sore, or swollen.
Other Explanations: Hormonal imbalance, birth control pills, impending menstruation (PMS) can also cause your breasts to be swollen or tender.
Feeling fatigued or excessively tired is a pregnancy symptom which can also start as early as the first week after conception.
Other Explanations: Stress, exhaustion, depression, common cold or flu, or other illnesses can also leave you feeling tired or fatigued.
This pregnancy symptom will often show up between 2-8 weeks after conception. Some women are fortunate to not deal with morning sickness at all, while others will feel nauseous throughout most of their pregnancy.
Other Explanations: Food poisoning, stress, or other stomach disorders can also cause you to feel nauseous.
Lower backache may be a symptom that occurs early in pregnancy; however, it is common to experience a dull backache throughout an entire pregnancy.
Other Explanations: Impending menstruation, stress, other back problems, and physical or mental strains.
The sudden rise of hormones in your body can cause you to have headaches early in pregnancy. Other Explanations: Dehydration, caffeine withdrawal, impending menstruation, eye strain or other ailments can be the source of frequent or chronic headaches.
Around 6-8 weeks after conception, you may find yourself making a few extra trips to the bathroom. Other Explanations: Urinary tract infection, diabetes, increased liquid intake or taking excessive diuretics.
If you are pregnant, the skin around your nipples may get darker. Other Explanations: Hormonal imbalance unrelated to pregnancy or possibly a leftover effect from a previous pregnancy.
While you may not have a strong desire to eat pickles and ice cream, many women will feel cravings for certain foods when they are pregnant, or have aversions to certain foods. This can last throughout your entire pregnancy.
Other Explanations: Poor diet, lack of a certain nutrient, stress, depression or impending menstruation.
Incluso si ha tenido una prueba positiva en casa, debe hacer una prueba de embarazo de calidad de laboratorio para confirmar sus resultados. Life Options ofrece pruebas de embarazo de calidad de laboratorio que tienen un 99% de precisión, ecografías y una consulta médica para ayudarlo a conocer más sobre su embarazo y todas sus opciones. Todos nuestros servicios son gratuitos y confidenciales.
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