All of our services are free & confidential.

Life Options offers free pregnancy testing to verify your pregnancy. Our pregnancy tests are medical quality, highly sensitive, and provide immediate results.

Our pregnancy tests detect the presence of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone which circulates in a pregnant woman’s body shortly after fertilization and is released in her urine.

A positive test (including a home test) is an indication of pregnancy, but not a confirmation. The test result should be confirmed by an OB Ultrasound exam. If your pregnancy test is positive, we offer a free limited OB ultrasound to help you learn more about your pregnancy and options.

After your free pregnancy test, we offer a variety of other services to help you. Our caring and compassionate patient advocates are here to listen and offer you support.

Top 10 Symptoms of Pregnancy:

  1. Itchy or Tingling Nipple
  2. Increased Sense of Smell
  3. Frequent Urination
  4. Nausea or Vomiting
  5. Unexplained Fatigue
  6. Lightheadedness
  7. Backaches or Cramping
  8. Food Cravings or Aversions
  9. Darkening of Nipples
  10. Late or Missed Period

Early pregnancy symptoms can mimic a normal period, the flu, PMS, or even an STI/STD. Some people experience many symptoms and some not at all. If you have more than one of the following symptoms or a late period, make an appointment and get the answers you need right away.

If your test is positive, our staff will answer any questions regarding the result, discuss all your pregnancy options, and offer support and referrals.

Frequently Asked Questions:


Schedule your free and confidential appointment today. You can also call or text us to make an appointment.

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